Site icon A Dash of Macros


Fitness and Nutrition Programs to help you live a healthier life, reach your weight loss and body composition goals, and learn how to sustain your results! 

Work With Me!

Nutrition & Fitness Coaching

Progressive Strength Training Program

Designed to help ladies Burn Fat, Build Lean Muscle, and get the STRONG TONED BODY YOU WANT!

More Muscle, More Strength, Less Fat, and Boosted Metabolism!

Not only has progressive overload proven to be the most impactful in overall body composition, but it can help turn back time. Your skin will look better, everything will be tighter, you can reduce cellulite, you’ll feel better, stronger, healthier, and your mental focus will be on point!


Nutrition Evaluation

A ONE Time 45-60 minute call with me Jenn, Your Macro Guru.

To help you identify what you are doing wrong and what you are doing right! Leaving you with a personalized action plan to finally achieve your goals!

Custom Macros, Sample Meal Plan, Training & Movement Targets!

During this call, we will do a deep dive into how you’re currently fueling your body and discuss your personal goals! We will identify ways that you can improve upon what you’re already doing, so that will allow you to stop spinning your wheels, and finally, reach your goals!

You’ll be able to enjoy the food you love, without feeling restricted, and knowing that you are properly fueling your body for your goals, while also boosting your metabolism!


Self-Paced Macro Nutrition Program

A 4-Month Nutrition Strategy Program designed for ladies who are READY to STOP Struggling with their Fat Loss and LOSE THE LAST 10-20 Pounds!

This is for you if…





My 5-Week Nutrition, Fitness, and Lifestyle Accelerator


Master the foundation of your nutrition while losing weight, increasing your energy, sleeping more soundly, and easily making better nutrition choices, all without the STRESS of trying to follow a strict diet!


The 5-Week self-paced course is specifically designed to help women create consistency around the REAL DIAL MOVERS, and learn what actually works!






Work toward your goals and live a longer, stronger, healthier life, while learning the right way, the healthy way, a SUSTAINABLE way!


4-Week Customizable Meal Plan








Food is the most important fuel you can feed your body no matter what your goal is:

Lose Weight, Building Muscle, or Maintain Current Weight. This is where meal planning helps you stick to your goals!


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