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7 Steps to Reaching Your Goals

7 Steps to Reaching your goals

7 Step to Reaching your Goals

7 Steps to Reaching Your Goals

I am going to give you the 7 Steps to Reaching Your Goals. These are easy steps that you can take today to start making immediate progress towards reaching your goals. No matter what they are: Losing Weight, Building Lean Muscle, or Maintaining Your Weight and Living a Healthier Lifestyle!

7 Steps To Reaching Your Goals

  1. Hit Your Protein & Calorie Goal
  2. Drink Enough Water Every Day
  3. Plan Your Meals
  4. Timing of Your Meals is Also VERY Important
  5. Getting Enough Sleep
  6. Do the Right Amount and Type of Exercise
  7. Understanding Your Why

#1 Hit Your Protein & Calorie Goals!

The number one thing that you can do to reach your goal is to properly fuel your body!

But properly fueling your body looks different for everyone based on their current age, weight, activity level, and goal. DO YOU know how many calories or how much protein you should be consuming in a day?

Click above to use my FREE tool to calculate your calorie and protein requirements based on your body and your goals. The calculator will provide you with Calorie, Protein, Carbs, and Fat goals. But for now, I only want you to focus on hitting your Calorie and Protein goals. Hitting these two are the most important!

Most People Don’t Eat Enough Protein

Many people think that protein is only for bodybuilders, but that couldn’t be farther from the truth.

The right amount of protein is necessary for:

The average person needs .8 – 1.2 grams of protein per pound of lean body mass to function properly.

Common Questions And Resources:

What Can I Use To Track My Protein And Calories?

A FREE App:My Transpormation App I personally use this app to track all of my food, my water intake, and progress photos. It also has free workouts and challenges you can join to help stay motivated to reaching your goals.

Having A Hard Time Hitting Your Protein Requirement?

Many people find it hard to eat enough protein from whole foods. This is where protein shakes and protein bars come in very handy!

However, not all protein is created equal, you want to find a low temperature processed, 100% hydrolyzed, Whey protein. Why??? Because it makes these shakes and bars the next best thing to eating whole foods and:

I know finding a protein shake or bar with these three things can be hard, so have done the research for you.

Level 1 Protein Bar,Perfect for when you are on the go. My favorites are: Chocolate PB Pretzel, Chocolate Crunch, and Salted Caramel

Level 1 Shake, I drink this shake on the days that I don’t workout. They have so many great flavors, but I am a chocolate LOVER so my go-to is Milk Chocolate.

Post-Workout Stack, I drink this combination after every workout, it helps to quickly replenish my body and start the recovery process more quickly.

#2 Drink Enough Water Every Day

We all know water is important, but do you know why water is important to your health and reaching your goals? Water is the second most critical factor in sustaining life. Oxygen being number one. So, when you hear “you need to drink more water”, you should really drink more water and not just say “Yea Yea, I know”.

Benefits Of Drinking Water:

Many people have heard that drinking 8, 8-ounce glasses of water a day is the right about….but is it? Water intake is the same as your protein and calorie requirements. The amount of water a person should drink actually varies from person to person.

The average person needs .8 – 1 ounce of water per pound body weight. Therefore, if you weigh 150 pounds you should be drinking 120 – 150 ounces of water each day. Do the math, multiple your weight in pounds by .8 to calculate the minimum amount of water you should be drinking.

Common Question:

What Are Some Things I Can Do To Drink More Water?
  1. Wake up and drink 8-12 ounces of water first thing in the morning: I like to add a little flavor to my breakfast water, squeezing a little fresh lemon into my water!
  2. Use a large glass, tumbler, or jug that you love: I have a big 32-ounce tumbler, it is in my favorite color, and it is sweatproof, so I can set it down anywhere and not worry about condensation causing damage to any surface.
  3. Set reminders: Setting reminders in an app or on your phone is also a great way to make sure you get enough water.

#3 Plan Your Meals!

Meal planning is different than meal prepping. You don’t need to meal prep if that’s not your thing. But taking 15-30 minutes once per week to sit down and figure out what you are going to eat every day for the following week is key! This will set you up for success in so many ways!

Success With Meal Planning:

Many people have a hard time putting together meal plans or they find themself eating the same handful of recipes week after week and getting bored with food. This can also prevent you from reaching your goals because you feel deprived and eating becomes a chore, rather than being delicious and exciting.

The key is finding recipes that are healthy and easy to make! Have a go-to website, social media account, or cookbook with recipes that you know are going to fit your goals. Spending 15 minutes flipping through those resources is a GREAT place to start in creating your meal plans! Hopefully, this is what my site provides you!

#4 Timing Your Meals!

I am sure that you have heard eating smaller portions more often is better, but do you know why?

This is because it helps to keep your metabolism running, prevents your blood sugar levels from dropping or spiking, and you will see your mood improve. Eating more often prevents your body from releasing stress-related hormones like cortisol and adrenaline which can impact your sleep and mood.

When Should You Be Eating?

Eating 4-6 meals a day can be difficult but that is where having your meal plan in place will make your life SOOO much easier!

Common Questions:

How Do I Get The Pre And Post-Workout Meals In Within The 20-45 Minute Time Window When I Am Not Near A Kitchen, Don’t Have Access To A Microwave, I’m In My Car On The Way To Or From The Gym?

This is VERY common, even for me. Most people aren’t able to sit down and eat their pre and post-workout meal and this is where protein snack bars and shakes come in EXTREMELY handy!

Level 1 Protein Bar,Perfect for when you are on the go. My favorites are: Chocolate PB Pretzel, Chocolate Crunch, and Salted Caramel. I eat one of these before all of my workouts!

Post-Workout Stack, I drink this combination after every workout, it helps to quickly replenish my body and start the recovery process more quickly.

If you have any questions about either of these or any other supplements I am always happy to answer your questions!

#5 Sleep

Sleep is one of the easiest forms of fuel you can feed your body, it takes the least amount of effort on your part yet provides the body with so much! The proper amount of sleep can help improve your overall health and jump-start your body to reach your goals!

Benefits Of Getting The Proper Amount Of Sleep:

Those are the benefits but let’s also talk about poor sleep and how that can affect your health.

Poor sleep or lack of sleep can actually be life-threatening. Lack of sleep alters how your brain works and reduces your ability to make healthier life choices. Sleep deprivation dulls the activity in our frontal lobe of the brain. The frontal lobe is responsible for our decision-making and self-control.

Lack Of Sleep Or Poor Sleep Can Lead To:

Common Questions And Resources:

How Much Sleep Do I Need?

While everyone is different, my recommendation is no less than 7 hours of sleep every night. But listen to your body, how do you feel after 7 hours of sleep? Do you feel well-rested, or do you find yourself wanting a nap throughout the day? How are your cravings? Do you find yourself wanting foods higher in fat and empty calories? Then you are going to want to increase to 8 or maybe even 9 hours of sleep.

How Can I Improve My Sleep?

Sleep is an essential fuel that you must feed your body. It is important for weight loss, building lean muscle, and living an overall healthy lifestyle. Poor sleep dramatically alters the way our bodies respond to food, creates energy, and how we feel overall. So, getting the right amount of sleep is a must!

But if you’re like me and have a hard time getting your mind to shut off at night, thinking about everything you need or want to do the next day then you might need an additional sleep aid. I recommend either taking:

Night-T: For anyone simply looking to improve their sleep

Core 21: For those looking to improve their sleep as well as aid in workout recovery.

If you have any questions about either of these or any other supplements, I am always happy to answer your questions!

#6 Exercise

Exercise might be the toughest fuel to feed your body as it does take the most amount of energy and skill. However, no matter how skilled or athletic you are, exercise can be modified to fit your skill level and your goal. Movement is necessary to improve your overall health, to lose weight, and to build lean muscle.

Benefits Of Exercise:

Those are the benefits, but let’s also talk about what type of exercise you should be doing based on your goals.

There Are Two Main Type Of Exercise:

  1. Weight/Strength Training will help you build muscle and burn calories. Weight training allows you to continue to burn calories for hours after your workout is complete. This is because your recovery from a strength training exercise takes longer than cardio thus burning more energy and more calories even after the workout is complete.
  2. Cardio will help to improve your cardiovascular function as well as your stamina. Cardio may allow you to burn more calories during the workout but once the workout is complete, your body will return to normal operation for calories burned.

If Your Goal Is To Lose Weight:

You should be doing a combination of cardio and weight training. I recommend doing any of the following:

If Your Goal Is To Build Lean Muscle:

You should be doing more weight training than anything. I recommend doing any of the following:

You’ll notice with each of those goals you get either 1 or 2 days of rest. This depends on your desire to reach your goal. The more you work at it the faster you will reach your goal. However, your body NEEDS rest so please be sure to give yourself at least 1 day of rest per week. Also, consistency is key, therefore if you don’t work at it enough you will see little to no progress.

If Your Goal Is To Be More Active And Simply Live A Healthy Lifestyle:

You can honestly do any type of exercise that you find enjoyable 5-6 days per week for 30-45 minutes. Some examples are:

Basically, anything that gets your body moving and gets your heart pumping. Since you are not looking to gain muscle or lose weight, you can lean back and be more fluid with your exercise. However, you do want to get some sort of movement in your life each and every day to ensure that you live the longest healthiest life you can live.

#7 What Is Your WHY?

Ask yourself why do you want to lose weight, change your body composition, or live a healthier life? Dig deeper than I just want to look good. Find the reason that will really motivate you. This will help you lose weight and keep it off, to make the changes in your life to live that healthier life.

Some Examples:

Whatever that reason is, write it down! It has been proven that writing down your goals and your reasons for those goals helps you stick to them. It allows to you see the big picture and stay on track.

Write down your goals, list your why, and place them somewhere you will see them each and every day: tape them to your bathroom mirror or the front of your refrigerator. Then read them every day!

I Am Here For You, To Help You Reach Your Goals, To Answer Any Questions That You Have Along The Way About Nutrition, Fitness, Properly Fueling Your Body, And Supplements, Let Me Be Your Nutrition Guru!

Additionally, I have created a few different resources to help you reach your goal!

Starting with a FREE app: I personally use this app to track all my workouts, food, water intake, and progress photos. It also has free workouts and challenges you can join to help stay motivated to reaching your goals. Free Tracking App

4-Week Meal Plan:

If you are someone that wants your meal plan created for you and to just be told what to eat, then you have got to check out my 4-Week Meal Plan!

Do you count macros? Not to worry, I give tips on how to adjust every single recipe to fit your personal macro needs! Need more protein, more carbs, less fat…Not to worry I have you covered!

Sign up now and gain access for 20% off using code: 20%OffLimitedTime at check out!!! What have you got to lose?

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If You Enjoyed This Post On 7 Steps To Reaching Your Goals Then You Are Also Going To Want To Check Out These Other Posts That Will Help You!

How Much Sleep Should I Be Getting?

Between 7-9 hours every single night.

How Much Water Should I be Drinking?

The average person needs .8 – 1 ounce of water per pound body weight. Therefore, if you weigh 150 pounds you should be drinking 120 – 150 ounces of water each day. 

How Much Protein Should I be Consuming Per Day?

The average person needs .8 – 1.2 grams of protein per pound of lean body mass to function properly.

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